Showing 61–72 of 79 results
- GrayGray 1
GreenGreen 3
- WhiteWhite 6
- Baby blue 1
- Baby Pink 1
- Beige 3
- Beige with 3D flower work 1
- Beige with black thread lace 1
- black 4
- black and white 1
- Black with navy blue 1
BlueBlue 1
- Blue with light blue lace 1
- brown 1
- Dark blue 1
- Dark blue with light blue 1
- Dark brown 2
- Dark green 1
- dark pink 1
- Dark pink with light pink 1
- dark purple 1
- Dark purple with light purple 1
- Frozi 1
- Green with blue lace 1
- light blue 1
- Light blue and white 1
- Light blue with dark blue 1
- Light green 2
- Light green with dark green 1
- Light green with green 1
- Light orange 1
- light pink 1
- Light pink with dark pink 1
- Light pink with white 1
- Light purple with dark purple 2
- navy blue 1
- Off white 4
- Off white with yellow lace 1
- Orange 2
- Pink 2
- Pink and white 1
- Pink in light pink lace 1
- Pink lace with blue 1
- Pink with Purple 1
- purple 1
- Purple with light Purple 1
- rosy 1
- Turquoise green 1
- White and pink 1
- White and yellow 1
- White with black thread lace 1
- White with light pink 1
- White with yellow 1
YellowYellow 2
- Yellow and white 2
- Yellow color with golden-yellow 1
- Yellow with white 1
Product Status
rosy Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah with black lace detailing and threads.
Turquoise green Dantel Georgette Sheila
A Georgeet dantel shilah with tor detailing.
White and pink Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah divided into two colors with dantel
White and yellow Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah divided into two colors with dantel
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with tulle edges adorned with lace detailing.
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Tulle shilah with georgette and dantel edges.
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with lace detailing in the middle.
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with square-shaped lace detailing on the edges and center.
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with lace detailing distributed on all four edges.
white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with abundant dantel detailing.
White with black thread Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah with three sides of black lace detailing.
White with light pink Dantel Georgette Sheila
A two-tone Georgette dantel shilah with embroidered details.