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- GrayGray 1
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- Beige with 3D flower work 1
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BlueBlue 1
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YellowYellow 2
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Product Status
Off white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with tulle edges adorned with lace detailing.
off white Dantel Georgette Sheila
Tulle shilah with georgette and dantel edges.
Off white with yellow Dantel Georgette Sheila
Sheila Georgette is a lovely outfit featuring a beautiful combination of two-colour lace. The mixed lace design adds a touch of charm and sophistication, making it a stylish choice for any occasion.
Off-white Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah with Silver threads dantel detailing.
Orange Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with tulle edges adorned with lace detailing.
Orange Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah with black lace detailing and threads.
Pink and white Dantel Georgette Sheila
A georgette shilah divided into two colors with dantel
Pink Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with tulle edges adorned with lace detailing.
Pink Dantel Georgette Sheila
Georgette shilah with vertical distribution of lace detailing across the fabric.
Pink in light pink Dantel Georgette Sheila
Sheila Georgette is a lovely outfit featuring a beautiful combination of two-colour lace. The mixed lace design adds a touch of charm and sophistication, making it a stylish choice for any occasion.
Pink with Purple Dantel Georgette Sheila
Sheila Georgette is a lovely outfit featuring a beautiful combination of two-colour lace. The mixed lace design adds a touch of charm and sophistication, making it a stylish choice for any occasion.
Purple with light purple Dantel Georgette Sheila
A two-tone georgette shilah with black Dantel design and tulle