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Showing 61–72 of 79 results

rosy Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A georgette shilah with black lace detailing and threads.

Turquoise green Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A Georgeet dantel shilah with tor detailing.

White and pink Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A georgette shilah divided into two colors with dantel

White and yellow Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A georgette shilah divided into two colors with dantel

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Georgette shilah with tulle edges adorned with lace detailing.

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Tulle shilah with georgette and dantel edges.

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Georgette shilah with lace detailing in the middle.

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Georgette shilah with square-shaped lace detailing on the edges and center.

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Georgette shilah with lace detailing distributed on all four edges.

white Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

Georgette shilah with abundant dantel detailing.

White with black thread Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 350.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A georgette shilah with three sides of black lace detailing.

White with light pink Dantel Georgette Sheila

Original price was: AED 352.00.Current price is: AED 280.00.

A two-tone Georgette dantel shilah with embroidered details.